Criteria To Become An MP

(1) Any prospective MP must have live continuously in the boundaries of the constituency they are wishing to represent as MP. Once left the seat, for whatever reason, must remain living continuously in the boundaries of the constituency for minimun 12 months. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(1a)One clause to the above, and only in the after losing seat section, is if medical purposes are seen as reasonable to be allowed to live away from constituency. This must be a valid reason. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(2) Living in the local constituency boundary is mandatory as above, and expenses are not provided or publicly funded. Can be paid by party funds or self funded.
(3) A prospective MP candidates must give up all other employment or incomes in the 12 months running into a General Election, paid back as a debt because dates for General Elections not known as far in advance. The income cap for the 12 months run into a General Election is £25,000. Any income from any source over this amount is repaid as a debt at the onset of a General Election. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat (if they become elected and found guilty after), which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP. Or if found gulity during the period of 12 months, or 2 years which ever is applicable, will be punished by 12 month prison sentence, minimum of 2 months to be served in prison, and rest of it suspended. A criminal record against the person, and not allowed to become MP or other government worker again. Not allowed to sit as directors on business or committees either.

On becoming an MP
(1) Earnings capped at £50,000 per annum net
(1a) If got any wealth or assets from previous work, savings, etc that can produce an income of £100,000 per annum net, then MP earnings reduced to £25,000
(1b) If above wealth can produce income of £200,000 per annum net, then MP earnings not paid.
(2) All monies saved stay in public purse.
(3) No financial expenses claims allowed.
(4) Electric car provided for ministerial use only, black box fitted to record use for such purposes only. Payment card for charging costs for car only provided.
(5) For longer distance travelling, all MP’s allowed annual rail and bus passes, allowing free rail and bus travel, not in first class carriage. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(6) Other travel expenses for ministerial duties will be paid at the lowest possible costing, not business or first class prices. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(7) No second home expenses, a local hotel, suitable for purpose, i.e. not expensive, will be procurred to provide over night accomodation in London when on ministerial business.
(8) All stationary will be provided on a low cost, only as necessary use. Otherwise electronic communications for a greener parliament will be used.
(9) A mobile will be provided, using an unlimited usage data, text and calls using a lowest available network price.
(10) A non expensive laptop also provided for ministerial use only.
(11) No alcohol allowed on parliamenary premises, drug and alcohol testing will be mandatory. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(12) Food and beverages will be the MP’s own sourced products, purchased using their MP salary.
(13) No second income, job, or employment for the duration of their receiving MP salary. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(14) All contacts or memberships off any affiliations or business or trade union or outside business sources must be delcared, no excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(15) One day per month, excluding December, January, July and August, all MP’s must work voluntarily in a local charity shop within their constituency boundary. A day meaning at 7 hours with 30 minute break for lunch purposes. The missing months being a combination of holiday usage, business in parliament usage reasons. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(16) No MP allowed to use social media to abuse power, attack or offend constituents. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(17) No MP allowed on television shows, including news outlets, radio or press outlets for anything other than direct ministerial business. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(17a) One clause to above MSM ban is that permission is granted for charitable purposes only. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(18) Any rules or laws under the status of being an MP which are broken are punishable by and no excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat and also will be punished by 12 month prison sentence, minimum of 2 months to be served in prison, and rest of it suspended. A criminal record against the person, and not allowed to become MP or other government worker again. Not allowed to sit as directors on business or committees either.
(18a) At no point is any MP at whatever level of government or ministerial is achieved is above these laws, or laws of the land.

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