Passport To Doomsday

Those who are so adamant that others who don’t get their full amount of vaccinations, upto whatever the current number is, are soon going to regret their stance.

As vaccination passports are required for ‘fully’ vaccinated, those not up to quota will be unable to keep their passports valid. So when it comes to that day, those without a passport cannot go about their normal lives, the country will eventually grind to a halt.

Using current figures, at least half the adult population would be classed as unvaccinated enough to have a passport. So half the population would not be able to not only go to entertainment places, but ultimately work places. So the shops will be understaffed, supply chains like distribution centres too.

Then there are the production lines understaffed. Not just production lines of technology, but food production, clothes production, toiletries, all the basics of life production lines. As we see with the NHS with nurses being sacked, and care staff, the understaffing causes immense issues.

Unvaccinated teachers cannot teach, unvaccinated refuse collectors not being able collect rubbish, unvaccinated council staff reducing council run tasks, affecting every day life. Unvaccinated childminders cannot look after the kids of vaccinated workers, thus affecting their work too.

Imagine literally half the population not doing the work needed to keep the country running. That is at current levels of what counts as fully vaccinated enough to qualify for the vaccination passport. As more and more fail, for whatever reason, to retain vaccination passport status, that number grows.

The country will be unable to sustain the pressure. No one working means no taxes being paid, means millions of rent arrears and mortgage arrears. This leads to repossessions and homelessness. The scenario for all this is practically doomsday.

On top of which those still playing the Covid game, getting tested and need self isolate, they will not be getting paid, as the money will not be available anymore. This is not a fantastical scenario, it’s the true state of the game if we go down the vaccination passport route.

Safe For Schools. Safe For Shielded. Safe For Workers. Safe For Everyone.

If UK Government can honestly say that the risk is small enough now for the following, then surely it is safe enough for everyone.
They are saying it is safe for Schools to reopen. There are no other places that are as busy on a regular daily basis, involving hundreds of people, children and adults, all mixing together over a period of up to 9 hours. Most time spent indoors, masks not mandatory, yet we are being told it is safe. So if it’s SAFE FOR SCHOOLS IT’S SAFE FOR EVERYONE.
They also say it is safe for workers to return to their factories, shops offices and other places of work. So if that is the truth from the Government and their advisers then if it’s SAFE FOR WORKERS IT’S SAFE FOR EVERYONE.
Then we are told it is now safe for shielded to return to some form of daily normality. Shielded are the most vulnerable in society, based on either illness, disability or age. Government say it is safe enough for the most vulnerable in society to leave the home and get out and about, back into the outside world. So if it’s SAFE FOR SHIELDERS IT’S SAFE FOR EVERYONE.
So we are on the one hand being told it’s safe, then on the other hand it is still highly contagious and dangerous out there. It cannot be both. We are all being played.
So we need make a stand. We need make demands.
We need demand the UK Government to revoke The Coronavirus Act 2020. It has not passed normal law scrutiny and was passed including Draconian rules and regulations.
To achieve our aims we need to do peaceful protests and actions, so has not to cause too much outrage, but enough disruption that the Government sits up and takes notice.
So I suggest the following:
1. Schools, already protesters against the Government are saying they will not return their children, and that is right and fair, and we applaud their protest. So we that are in the corner of believing it is safe to return, remember Government says it is safe, should also resist sending our children back. I know this is against what we are trying to prove, but think on this, if one half of society is already keeping children at home, and the other side join in, it’s a win for both sides. Government will not be happy that all parents are keeping their children of school.
2. We know that cash less payments are a big issue to many, and one of the things we need stand up agains.If you know of any electronic payment only (cash less) shops please do go in and fill your trolley up, get to the till and when they say card only, be polite and say you only have cash and walk out leaving the full trolley at the till.
3. A big worry for all political parties is voters and grass root supporters and members turning against them. So cancel those memberships and subscriptions and direct debits to any party that is supportive of these crazy rules.
4. Again a fairly simple one, but we are being told to do all this by Government via their mouthpieces the Mainstream Media. TV and press, cancel TV licence, or the direct debit. Hurt their propaganda machine.
5. Most the above quite easily achievable, this is the big one though. We will organise a strike, a Stay At Home strike. Once a week stay at home, do not go work, do not go any shops, do not go anywhere that means spending any money at all. Avoid public transport, buses and trains. Do not refuel your cars. Make sure in the days running up to this day you have provisions in place to get through the day. On this day enjoy free stuff, parks, walks, beach, your own home and garden. If they have not taken our demand seriously after four weeks, we up this last one to two days a week, and again after four more weeks, three. A silent, legal, safe and peaceful protest.
Remember the Government love their slogans, so here is ours.

Criteria To Become An MP

(1) Any prospective MP must have live continuously in the boundaries of the constituency they are wishing to represent as MP. Once left the seat, for whatever reason, must remain living continuously in the boundaries of the constituency for minimun 12 months. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(1a)One clause to the above, and only in the after losing seat section, is if medical purposes are seen as reasonable to be allowed to live away from constituency. This must be a valid reason. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(2) Living in the local constituency boundary is mandatory as above, and expenses are not provided or publicly funded. Can be paid by party funds or self funded.
(3) A prospective MP candidates must give up all other employment or incomes in the 12 months running into a General Election, paid back as a debt because dates for General Elections not known as far in advance. The income cap for the 12 months run into a General Election is £25,000. Any income from any source over this amount is repaid as a debt at the onset of a General Election. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat (if they become elected and found guilty after), which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP. Or if found gulity during the period of 12 months, or 2 years which ever is applicable, will be punished by 12 month prison sentence, minimum of 2 months to be served in prison, and rest of it suspended. A criminal record against the person, and not allowed to become MP or other government worker again. Not allowed to sit as directors on business or committees either.

On becoming an MP
(1) Earnings capped at £50,000 per annum net
(1a) If got any wealth or assets from previous work, savings, etc that can produce an income of £100,000 per annum net, then MP earnings reduced to £25,000
(1b) If above wealth can produce income of £200,000 per annum net, then MP earnings not paid.
(2) All monies saved stay in public purse.
(3) No financial expenses claims allowed.
(4) Electric car provided for ministerial use only, black box fitted to record use for such purposes only. Payment card for charging costs for car only provided.
(5) For longer distance travelling, all MP’s allowed annual rail and bus passes, allowing free rail and bus travel, not in first class carriage. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(6) Other travel expenses for ministerial duties will be paid at the lowest possible costing, not business or first class prices. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(7) No second home expenses, a local hotel, suitable for purpose, i.e. not expensive, will be procurred to provide over night accomodation in London when on ministerial business.
(8) All stationary will be provided on a low cost, only as necessary use. Otherwise electronic communications for a greener parliament will be used.
(9) A mobile will be provided, using an unlimited usage data, text and calls using a lowest available network price.
(10) A non expensive laptop also provided for ministerial use only.
(11) No alcohol allowed on parliamenary premises, drug and alcohol testing will be mandatory. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(12) Food and beverages will be the MP’s own sourced products, purchased using their MP salary.
(13) No second income, job, or employment for the duration of their receiving MP salary. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(14) All contacts or memberships off any affiliations or business or trade union or outside business sources must be delcared, no excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(15) One day per month, excluding December, January, July and August, all MP’s must work voluntarily in a local charity shop within their constituency boundary. A day meaning at 7 hours with 30 minute break for lunch purposes. The missing months being a combination of holiday usage, business in parliament usage reasons. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(16) No MP allowed to use social media to abuse power, attack or offend constituents. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(17) No MP allowed on television shows, including news outlets, radio or press outlets for anything other than direct ministerial business. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(17a) One clause to above MSM ban is that permission is granted for charitable purposes only. No excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat, which goes to local constituent public vote for new MP.
(18) Any rules or laws under the status of being an MP which are broken are punishable by and no excuses allowed, punishable by losing their seat and also will be punished by 12 month prison sentence, minimum of 2 months to be served in prison, and rest of it suspended. A criminal record against the person, and not allowed to become MP or other government worker again. Not allowed to sit as directors on business or committees either.
(18a) At no point is any MP at whatever level of government or ministerial is achieved is above these laws, or laws of the land.

My Own Way Of Showing Direct Gratitude And Support To Our NHS. Always.

To those, either locally or online, who may be querying my lack of external, vocal or visual support of the NHS, please read carefully. First of all I totally appreciate every single aspect of the NHS staff, from Doctors and Nurses all the way to auxiliary staff, porters, cleaners etc. Always have done, always will. They are the true epitome of heroes in this country, above and beyond almost any one else. If there are other true heroes then sorry if missed you out, and I am not dismissing fire-fighters, lifesaving in other areas of society, armed forces when fighting righteous wars, or certain parts of the police force (if wondering why only certain, then respect where it is due, but otherwise regarding Hillsborough injustice and Miners strikes injustices and others, then respect is somewhat slow to emerge from me to some quarters of the police).
So, while I am may not be forthcoming as I say with clapping or rainbow pictures, of which regards clapping even some NHS members themselves are saying that while showing the gratitude of the public, they would rather direct input from Government Departments with the supply of PPE and other on the spot support. My support for the NHS is as huge, immense, in am absolutely direct way towards them, all be it silently and not seen by members of the public or NHS staff.
How am I doing this then you ask, well here is where I tell you. It’s not overt, it’s silent, it is truly happening but not seen. It is more beneficial financially, of their resources, time and manpower. As someone many years before and up to Coronavirus outbreak, and will also afterwards if I get through this personally be helping and supportive of the NHS as a whole. As someone with lifelong illness, medications, mental health issues and more, then I already feel a huge burden to the NHS in many ways. Yes I have been told, reassured even that as a person who genuinely needs their support that I should not feel this way. But, and I really do mean this, I actually feel burdensome towards them. So while I need many aspects of NHS help, I only take out the bare minimum. I receive my medications, keep my GP appointments and hospital appointments. That is all, I could and have been offered via GP and hospital more help as in counselling etc. Though this is where I feel I would be taking more out than I personally feel I should. Yes I should have counselling and other NHS support, but I feel I take enough and more than my share out already. Also I feel there are others out there in a more dire need than myself.
Also as someone who suffers from depression and anxiety, I often feel and have suicidal thoughts. Judge you not, you yourself could find yourself with mental health issues, it can affect anyone at anytime. Or if not you, your family or friends. I have been judged harshly by my family over my suicidal tendencies, hence my burdensome feel towards the NHS. But I will not judge anyone else ever over mental health issues.
So again, in this dark and painful time for everyone around the world let alone UK and pressurising our already overworked yet brilliant NHS staff, I am trying my extreme best not to become a burden in a direct way. By trying very hard, though I cannot guarantee how I may or may not do anything, I really am trying but struggling immensely to not succumb to suicidal thoughts. Though my life is in turmoil already not withstanding lock down, I am fighting hard my mind to overcome my own demons. I cry daily for hours at a time, I struggle to sleep, and when get some sleep the nightmares are so vivid and lucid I feel I am actually more awake than in real waking hours. Thus not getting rest, lack of energy, all contributing to my already dark minds thoughts. Again a huge BUT, I am fighting urges that should and usually are beyond my control to not engage the NHS during this time. Either by asking for support, or worse case scenario for them, becoming a failed suicide patient, thus burdening them even more.
So yes, I am not outwardly showing support in pictures etc, but these words on here, and the meaning and thought I am putting behind them I hope show as much support and gratitude than pictures of clapping ever could. So don’t make assumptions of me those that do.
In clear and plain English and print.
Our NHS are the greatest heroes.
I just hope what little I am trying during these difficult and unusual times is helpful to them all that my intentions are meant to be.
Thank you all members of the NHS and connected support and care workers.

Tom Watson Must Go

He builds a bridge with the tories
He creates his own life’s stories
His interest is personal glories
Tom Watson
He slithers along like a snake
He puts the vulnerable at stake
It’s our Labour Party to take
Tom Watson
He needs to go right away
He has his own games to play
His words are dishonourable let’s say
Tom Watson
Labour belongs to us all
If divided we shall all fall
Solidarity we can all stand tall
Jeremy Corbyn