Safe For Schools. Safe For Shielded. Safe For Workers. Safe For Everyone.

If UK Government can honestly say that the risk is small enough now for the following, then surely it is safe enough for everyone.
They are saying it is safe for Schools to reopen. There are no other places that are as busy on a regular daily basis, involving hundreds of people, children and adults, all mixing together over a period of up to 9 hours. Most time spent indoors, masks not mandatory, yet we are being told it is safe. So if it’s SAFE FOR SCHOOLS IT’S SAFE FOR EVERYONE.
They also say it is safe for workers to return to their factories, shops offices and other places of work. So if that is the truth from the Government and their advisers then if it’s SAFE FOR WORKERS IT’S SAFE FOR EVERYONE.
Then we are told it is now safe for shielded to return to some form of daily normality. Shielded are the most vulnerable in society, based on either illness, disability or age. Government say it is safe enough for the most vulnerable in society to leave the home and get out and about, back into the outside world. So if it’s SAFE FOR SHIELDERS IT’S SAFE FOR EVERYONE.
So we are on the one hand being told it’s safe, then on the other hand it is still highly contagious and dangerous out there. It cannot be both. We are all being played.
So we need make a stand. We need make demands.
We need demand the UK Government to revoke The Coronavirus Act 2020. It has not passed normal law scrutiny and was passed including Draconian rules and regulations.
To achieve our aims we need to do peaceful protests and actions, so has not to cause too much outrage, but enough disruption that the Government sits up and takes notice.
So I suggest the following:
1. Schools, already protesters against the Government are saying they will not return their children, and that is right and fair, and we applaud their protest. So we that are in the corner of believing it is safe to return, remember Government says it is safe, should also resist sending our children back. I know this is against what we are trying to prove, but think on this, if one half of society is already keeping children at home, and the other side join in, it’s a win for both sides. Government will not be happy that all parents are keeping their children of school.
2. We know that cash less payments are a big issue to many, and one of the things we need stand up agains.If you know of any electronic payment only (cash less) shops please do go in and fill your trolley up, get to the till and when they say card only, be polite and say you only have cash and walk out leaving the full trolley at the till.
3. A big worry for all political parties is voters and grass root supporters and members turning against them. So cancel those memberships and subscriptions and direct debits to any party that is supportive of these crazy rules.
4. Again a fairly simple one, but we are being told to do all this by Government via their mouthpieces the Mainstream Media. TV and press, cancel TV licence, or the direct debit. Hurt their propaganda machine.
5. Most the above quite easily achievable, this is the big one though. We will organise a strike, a Stay At Home strike. Once a week stay at home, do not go work, do not go any shops, do not go anywhere that means spending any money at all. Avoid public transport, buses and trains. Do not refuel your cars. Make sure in the days running up to this day you have provisions in place to get through the day. On this day enjoy free stuff, parks, walks, beach, your own home and garden. If they have not taken our demand seriously after four weeks, we up this last one to two days a week, and again after four more weeks, three. A silent, legal, safe and peaceful protest.
Remember the Government love their slogans, so here is ours.

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